I've watched this movie once upon a time in the cinema but tonight somehow I felt like watching it again, to see what points the film makers wanted to make on the subject of Faith.

That line really got me thinking.
When God created humanity, He gave us free will. He gave us the POWER to choose.
And since then He has done everything to win our love, even when that meant sending His own beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to be executed for our sins... For what is sin really, other than the choices we make to go against God & all the goodness that He stands for?
The Lord God said, in Isaiah 43:4...
"Since you are precious and honoured in my sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and nations in exchange for your life."
Yes, my friends, God so desires to reconcile us to Himself that He would pierce His own heart in order to do so... because that was exactly what happened at Calvary, as He watched the battered, blood soaked body of Jesus being nailed to the cross by our hands.
Our hands... Yours and mine.
Because it was for our transgressions that the Sinless One had to die. He took our place so that we may live, and come to know how much God loves us.
As I reflected on that question, I can only think of one way to make someone love me without affecting free will; And that is to simply LOVE that person. I just have to love that person without having any guarantee that he or she would return my love.
And that's exactly what God does. He simplys LOVES us, unconditionally.
The God who could turn sea into dry land would not force us to love Him back.
Because, as St. Paul wrote this in his first letter to the Corinthians, chapter 13, verses 4-7:
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."
That is why the Lord waits patiently for us to return His love... Like a lovesick man tirelessly doing all kinds to win the love of his dream woman; buying her flowers, making her chicken soup when she has a cold, planning a surprise for her birthday, etc. ... In the same way God pursues us with His own inimitable ways; painting a beautiful morning sky to brighten our day, stopping the rain when we forget our umbrellas, making sure our bus comes as soon as we reach the bus stop so we don't have to be late for work/school, and countless other things everyday.
Because ultimately, love is also a CHOICE.
The question is: are we too focused on our own hurts and worries to notice God's hand in our lives? Are we so bent on looking out for me, myself & I that we ignore the people God puts in our path to show us His love? Are we too busy looking up for a big sign, when God is performing small miracles all around us daily?
Are we going to choose to accept the wonderful love that God is freely offering us?

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