Tuesday, September 4, 2007


"I need You, Jesus... To come to my rescue..."

As I listen to that song by Jared Anderson, I was reminded of a very real truth...

I need Jesus to rescue me...

To rescue me from sin... because I fall again and again. Because it is so hard to choose God's truth in the face of temptation. Because it is so easy to put myself first, especially when the more loving decision was also the harder one to make.

To rescue me from myself... because it so easy to just do it my way, when I'm supposed to let the Lord tell me what He wants me to do. Because I try to do things with my own strength, when the Lord says, "Not by strength, nor by power, but by My Spirit." (Zechariah 4:6)
Because sometimes I forget that the "servant" comes first in "servant-leader".
Because it is easy to run ahead of the flock and forget that passion needs to be tempered with compassion.

Yes... it is so easy to let negativity set in. One word said in anger can undo years of kindness and friendship. A small setback can send us retreating into our dark corner, forgetting the work of God's love in our lives.

Or be so full of ourselves we cannot see that it was Jesus who brought us to where we are... So easy to lapse into this mentality when things are going well.

Yes... sometimes we can be so caught up in what we are doing that we do not realise we are sinking in the choppy waters of life. That we can walk on water only on the foundation of faith, a gift from Heaven, not by our own achievements or abilities.

Or when we think we are close to God, but we are actually not as close to Him as we think.

But praise God for reminders that come our way, through a song for example... =)

So Lord, remind me to always look to you... even if You have to tell me everyday.
Help me to be able to humbly acknowledge... I need You, Jesus, to come to my rescue.

1 comment:

Daniel Sim said...

Because sometimes I forget that the "servant" comes first in "servant-leader".
Because it is easy to run ahead of the flock and forget that passion needs to be tempered with compassion.

Words of great truth brother! Thanks for sharing that! =)

God bless!