With Christ in the vessel, we can smile at the storm
Smile at the storm, smile at the storm...

It's amazing how a Sunday school song can have such profound words.
As I was reflecting a few days back, I realise that I've been singing those lyrics happily since the recent YISS without pausing to ponder what it is I'm actually singing.
Can I really smile when the storms of life come rocking the boat?
If I remember correctly, the apostles were not smiling that fateful night when sudden gales transformed a tranquil voyage across the lake into a life or death struggle to keep their vessel afloat.
With powerful waves slamming onto their boat and the rain hammering their bodies, the Twelve were not smiling at all... No, they were terrified. Scared out of their minds.
The storms we face today in Singapore are not so literal, but can be just as terrifying.
Death of a loved one, parents getting divorced, friendships turned sour... The list goes on and on.
In my case, being jobless for a few months is starting to bug me.
Lately I've been feeling the waves of doubt assailing my mind.
Will I ever find a suitable job?
Will anyone ever want to employ me?
How come I'm still not sure what I want to pursue?
The chilling winds of fear can dampen my spirit at times.
What's the point of sending all those resumes if no one is going to respond?
Should I be keeping my hopes up for this particular job?
What if I blow the interview for a job I really like?
But still the Word of the Lord remains... Trust.
All it took from Jesus to calm the storm was a simple command.
At His Word, the winds were silenced, the rain ceased, and the waves lost their might.
It was that simple for the Son of God, hardly broke a sweat going up against the forces of Nature. He did create them, didn't He?
But it takes great faith to wait for His timing in the midst of life's storms.
When nothing seems certain, it takes a man of great trust in the Lord to smile at the storm.
I cannot always be that man... I falter and I become afraid when I look at my situation.
You know what I imagine when I think of what it's like to smile at the storm?
The fearless Spartan warriors of '3oo', standing side by side with shields up and spears raised against the advancing Persian legions. They knew it was about to get nasty, that they may not make it out alive, but they were smiling. Confident. Trusting in their skills and those of their fellow soldiers.

Lord, I know You have called me to stand as Your warrior.
But I do fear, Lord, as I face the uncertainty of my future.
Help me to trust in You... Help me to always cling to You, even as the storm rages around me.
I want to look my troubles in the face confidently, and sing....
With Christ in my vessel, I can smile at the storm...
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