So happy for her!
You can read all about it by clicking the link to her blog on the left side of your screen.
Sometimes it's very easy to get discouraged in the world.
No matter how hard we try, there's always someone smarter, prettier, wiser, more successful, more talented, the list goes on and on...
So very often we hide our talents, like the servant who buried his one talent in the ground in Jesus' Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-28).
Why bother trying, when we're not gonna make it anyway?
Why bother standing up, only to sit back down in shame?
After all, I am a nobody...
Well, that maybe right...
I am nobody, but my GOD is Somebody you don't wanna mess with!
Sometimes we are so preoccupied with our shortcomings that we miss the point of life... It is not about us, it is all about GOD. He's the One who created us, so we can only find our purpose in Him. After all, only the Creator can tell you why He created something in the first place right?
So what we are to do in life is to use whatever GOD has given us, no matter how little, to multiply and bear fruit. The Lord would surely bless our efforts, and He will say to us, "Well done, my good and faithful servant!"
For if the Lord is with us, who can be against us?
Sometimes when we think we can never hope to succeed, the results surprise us... We get first prize, we get awarded that lucrative contract, we clinch that dream job... When we were sure there's no way we will get noticed.
Why? Not because of us... Surely it is because of who GOD is!
He makes the impossible possible, so we can say together with St. Paul, "Let him who boasts, boasts in the LORD!" (2 Corinthians 10:17)
So whatever we endeavour in life, let us lift our head high and do it to the best of our abilities...
Let us be all that we can be... Always striving with eyes upon the Cross and hands lifted to the sky...
So that when the world looks at us and wonders why... We can just tell them we're loving our KING...
With our hands lifted high, we will worship and sing
With our hands lifted high, we come before You rejoicing
With our hands lifted high, to the sky
When the world wonders why
We'll just tell them we're loving our King!
-- from the song "We Will Worship The Lamb Of Glory" by Dennis Jernigan

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