So exciting... colourful exhibitions, people mingling, filling up forms, having conversations... there was just so much life there.
And here I was afraid that I would be pushed & shoved in a huge, unpleasant crowd... haha... I guess Abba proved me wrong =)
I had great company too lah...
So blessed to have siblings in Christ like Eugene, Jane, Nat, Krish & Angele who would spend their Sunday afternoon milling around Exhibition Hall 404 with me even though they're not really searching for anything in particular.
Thanks for the awesome company, guys & girls... You really made my day.
For the first time in two months, I'm excited about the prospect of entering the working world once again. So many possibilities, a variety of career paths to choose from... Should I stick with my engineering education, or should I explore something else?
I wonder what kind of door Daddy would open for me?
Haha.. maybe I'm like a kid anticipating a present from his father. But hey, my Dad is the King of All Creation after all... =)
Yesterday was also World Mission Sunday.
I hope I can be an instrument of the Gospel wherever my Lord takes me to next.
If it is His will, let my marketplace also be my mission field and harvest ground =)
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