It has been a thoughtful season of Lent. An amazing period of reflection, where if I but put in a little bit of effort, the Lord responded so profoundly with His wisdom. Feels like Lent has been forever, but it has been a meaningful time of drawing closer to God.. like the prodigal returning to his father.
With the end of Lent comes new life in Easter... which is kinda literal for me this year.
Tommorrow ends my months long unemployment as I begin my first day at my new job. Bittersweet symphony as I list down the things I will miss once I start working again. I will surely miss the carefree days where my time is completely my own, just as surely as I am looking forward to updating my bank book every month and seeing the figures go up again =)
During the Holy Week I learnt the meaning of dying to myself.
In accepting this unexpected employment which landed in my lap I learnt to submit to God, to start the process of letting go of my desire for worldly acclaim, as I was reminded that God does not measure success the way the world does. Dying to self feels a lot like the word implies... not a comfortable sensation definitely. The sense of surrender, to plunge into the unknown and trusting in the guidance of the Lord. A mixture of apprehension and anticipation.
But just as a dear sister reminded me.. as I die to myself, so I shall find new life in the Risen Christ in Easter. This same sister pointed me to read 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho, a wonderful book which came at an appropriate time, much like the "omens", the sign of the times, which the author spoke a lot about as he spun his story.
And if I've been reading the "omens" correctly, this new job should be the next step in my journey towards my treasure, my heart's desire.... =)

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