Spent the whole day reading catalogues and Wiki-ing some physics terms. Most of the time I'm left to my own devices, which is not half bad... Had the freedom to MSN, read a chapter of manga online and did some emailing.
Well, as first days go, this one is really uneventful.
Maybe that's a good thing... Heh.. Dunno.
I had time to even attend 6 pm mass at Holy Spirit Church today. Another first... First time in about 2 years that I attended weekday mass in that place. Still much prefer Risen Christ... maybe I could try going there for mass one of these days.
But as I sat there in the chapel, I found myself crying out to God once again.
Is this really the best You've got for me? Aren't You a God Who cannot be outdone in generosity? The One Who gives in abundance? How come I end up in this small, slow company deep in Upper Thomson Rd?
My pride and my desire for recognition were talking once again.
This is only the first day... Too early to make any sort of conclusions about the new place. But I sure had plenty of time to think, and you know what they say about idle minds.
Lord, my God, help me to trust in You.
Help me to hold firm in You, that You are Good.
Though my heart cries out and rebels, still my soul proclaims You are my Lord.
Keep me always in the shadow of Your Grace.